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Ancient Egyptian Civilization - The First Government In History

The First Government In History

The first government in the history of the whole world was in 4241 BC, and this was in the pre-dynastic era.

The first government in history was formed when the ancient Egyptians found the Nile and learned agriculture, so it was necessary to:

  • The establishment of an engineering technical apparatus for water to serve thousands of farmers.
  • And this apparatus summoned a security apparatus, "the police."
  • Then a financial apparatus.
  • Then a military apparatus to protect against the enemies of the outside.
Ancient Egyptian Civilization - The first government in history
Ancient Egyptian Civilization - The first government in history

The judiciary in ancient Egypt

The name of the Supreme Court was 'The Great House of Justice', and there were inspectors passing by the courts to ensure the course of justice, and there were no lawyers, the litigants were defending themselves, as there were no fees, no lawyers or resumption except in Roman times.

The woman could be a judge, like "Nfrayhy," as the woman participated in the jury.

The Alexandrian historian "kalymnds" says: The death penalty was for the self-killer without right, or the murderer of newborns or fetuses, the witness of falsehood, or the murderer of one of his parents.

They didn't just execute, but the annihilation of the murderer of the father and mother, they were burning his corpse so as not to contaminate anywhere found in it, either punishment of cutting the hand was for those who steal or cheat in the balance or bribe or who falsified documents, either punishment of adultery was 100 lashes with cutting part of the nose for the man and the woman, As for rape, the punishment was cutting off the genital of the man, as for betraying the country, the punishment was cutting the tongue, as for bullying, the punishment was cutting the arm and one of the ears until people knew him.

Ancient Egyptian Civilization - The first government in history

Ancient Egyptian Civilization - The first government in history

The balance scale was toping the hall of every court of law in ancient Egypt, and the whole world took this symbol about this civilization, and the divine commandments in the Book of monotheism for the judges were many of it: "Swear by justice, before asking those who you judge them to swear by honesty", "A tendency to one of the litigants is an abomination for God".

At the time of the ancient Egyptians, there was the "Alarpap" court, If the accused objected to the verdict, he raise his lawsuit before the Court of 'Alarpap', that is, judge of the judges or appeal in our language now, everyone in front of (justice) "Maat" was equal.

Ancient Egyptian Civilization - The First Government In History Ancient Egyptian Civilization - The First Government In History Reviewed by RadwaEgy on 5/30/2020 Rating: 5